The framework takes an in-depth look at what you would like to achieve in terms of your own ambitions and how you can create a unique value proposition. It uses data to understand what is happening in your marketplace – who are your competitors, how much momentum do they have and how can you create a plan to displace them? It also uses data to establish what the customer demand is and understand if you are able to attract enough customers with your value proposition. The framework takes into consideration the available resources your organisation has in order to be able to calculate if you have enough resources to achieve your stated ambition. It provides a list of “plays” or pathways your organisation can take from where it currently is to where you want it to be, taking into consideration whether you have capacity, capabilities and innovations to drive the change needed within your organisation. Last is the execution of your organisations new strategy using the all important tactics to be carried out in order to deliver upon your ambition. The framework guides you through the process of gathering the data, calculating the requirements and creating measured outcomes. It principally requires inputs from leaders, marketers and technologists to drive the organisation forward on your chosen path of growth.